sample DNA report often includes both an exclusion and an inclusion report. Since DNA paternity testing is the test that is most in demand, it is often the sample DNA test result given. An inclusion paternity test result example will typically show a table with all the genetic loci analyzed and a clear match between the loci of the alleged father and child. Thus, if a child has loci 18 and 12, the biological father will have to display either locus 12 or locus 18.

The DNA test report is quite simply to understand. An exclusion in a paternity test result is not much different; when you look at the table for the genetic loci you will notice a number of loci which do not match between father and child. You will also see the combined paternity index (link to the glossary term combined paternity index) and importantly the probability of paternity.

Do not worry about understanding your DNA sample report, it is essentially self explanatory although there may be considerable variations from one company to the next.