How the test works
The genetic profile of the Y chromosome found in the father is likely to be identical to that of his sons, setting up a process of genetic transmission whereby the same DNA profile will be transmitted for thousands of generations. This test is based on the analysis of specific sections on the Y chromosome, called short tandem repeats. During the testing process, the particular genetic profiles found in these STRs in your Y chromosome will be compared to established groups of people, called haplogroups, with similar genetic profiles. Modern science combined with history has established the existence of the geographical origins of these haplogroups, dating back to thousands of years, as well as their main movements to various areas of the globe. The paternal lineage test will enable you to establish to which haplogroup you belong.
To see a list of possible paternal haplogroups, and their descriptions, please visit our Y-DNA haplogroup page.

If you are female and you want to find out about your paternal ancestry, you can ask your brother, father, or another male relative along the same paternal line to take the test.

Results will be available by email within 20 to 25 working days from the receipt of the samples at the laboratory. The test costs €129.
As a special package, we are offering a dual lineage test (maternal and paternal) for the discounted price of €249. Please note the duo lineage test is only available for male test participants.
What do you get when you order a paternal lineage test?
Your haplogroup designation and a haplogroup description page;
A personalized map depicting your ancestors’ journey and where they initially settled in the ancient world;
Your Y-STR profile (raw data);
Facts about your haplogroup, including which parts of the world you can find your “genetic cousins” and famous people who share the same haplogroup as you do.
Click here to view a full-color copy of the paternal lineage certificate.
Read our: FAQs on lineage testing.
Discovering your maternal roots
The maternal lineage test we offer will allow you to trace the origins of your ancestors from your mother’s side of the family. The results of this test will allow you to identify which geographical regions your maternal ancestors settled in thousands of years ago as well as their various movements over time.